Welcome to the wiki of the 2nd BRICS research camp!
This wiki is under construction and it will remain so at least until the research camp is over. Although we set it up to provide you with information regarding the organization and content of the research camp we would like to keep this wiki as agile as possible with updates on 3D robot sensing and 3D models.
General information
Please arrive on Saturday/Sunday, 21/22.05.2011.
The official part of the Research Camp will take place from Monday morning 23.05.2011 until Friday afternoon 27.05.2011.
Please depart on Friday, 27.05.2011, as late as possible or on Saturday/Sunday.
Maritim Hotel Esquinzo Beach
Urbanización Butihondo Calle Gran Canaria, 8, 35626 Pájara - Fuerteventura, Spain
BRICS members
Invited PhD students and external experts
Mailinglist: 2nd_researchcamp [at] best-of-robotics[dot]org
At the research camp we will use the as showcase.
The follwoing sensors and cameras will be provided:
- Microsoft KINECT
- Hokuyo URG-04
- may be more
- Sa/So May 21/22, 2011: arrival
- Sa/So May 28/29, 2011: departure
Local Organisation
Thilo Zimmermann
GPS Gesellschaft für Produktionssysteme GmbH
Nobelstr. 12
D-70569 Stuttgart
Fon: +49 711 687031-42
Fax: +49 711 687031-55
Email: zimmermann gps-stuttgart de