Targeted user groups
The following user groups will benefit from the integrated robot software development environment, the interoperable robotics components, and the robotic research platforms provided by BRICS:
- Robotics researchers can make use of hardware, which comes with a consistent set of harmonised, well documented APIs, and an integrated software development environment. This enables researchers to avoid so-called "from scratch developments" as BRICS gives them the tools to develop complex operational robotic systems with minimal effort thereby allowing them to concentrate their resources on research rather than wasting them on the development of research infrastructure.
- Hardware manufacturers may benefit from an increased uptake of those products for which they offer BRICS interfaces. Their products may in turn be enhanced with functionality from the code repository. Finally, they may receive valuable input from the BRICS community.
- System integrators − companies as well as research institutes − can utilise the development environment to significantly accelerate the process of integrating components into robotic systems and to speed up the development of software for advanced robotic applications.
- Software developers have access to a consistent set of harmonised and openly available APIs for which they can offer (commercial or open source) implementations that are directly usable via the integrated development environment.